Have you ever been in a relationship where you feel like you’re giving far more than you’re getting in return?
How do you deal with that? How do you decide if you should continue investing in the relationship or if it’s time to pack your bags and leave?
Many people struggle with this question particularly when it comes to their jobs.
That’s because we all have the desire to grow and expect our employers to support us when we put in the long hours to help the company succeed. Yet so many employers turn a deaf ear to the goals and desires of their employees leaving them feeling powerless, frustrated and with one foot perennially out the door.
So when we find ourselves in this situation how do we decide if we should keep investing in the company, hoping we will eventually get what we want in return, or if we should cut our losses and leave?
Fight or Flight is a short essay and talk I recently gave that I hope will help you answer that question if you’re struggling at your job right now.